Golden horn bridge Vladivostok

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The inhabitants of the city have the dream about a bridge across the Golden Horn for many decades. It was just a dream and nothing more.

But dreams come true. And now at the very city center is located one of the largest cable-stayed bridges in the world.

Golden horn bridge Vladivostok

Golden horn bridge Vladivostok

The bridge is perfectly visible from many parts of the city.

Golden horn bridge Vladivostok

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Bridge is open for pedestrians from 7 am to 9 pm every day.

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge

But the Golden Bridge – is not just a complex building. For me it’s like two sails under which Vladivostok went to great trip!

Golden Bridge

Golden Bridge