The basic details of the coming of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.
East Economic Forum 2015
East Economic Forum will be held in Vladivostok on the Russian island from 3 to 5 September 2015. Then it will become an annual event.
It is already known that the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the heads of many Russian and foreign companies will participate in it.
The main objective of the forum will be to attract investors to the Far East, as well as the presentation of the major investment projects, including the Free Port of Vladivostok.
Visas are not required
The forum participants will be able to come to Vladivostok without a visa. At the border it will be enough to show proof of identity and accreditation certificate issued by the organizing committee.
Visa-free entry to Vladivostok will be open from September 2 to 6, inclusive.
East Economic Forum: Website and accreditation
The guests and participants of the Eastern Economic Forum, including representatives of the media, staff and drivers are required to pre-accreditation.
The cost of participation in the forum for delegates and accompanying persons is 150 000 rubles per person including all taxes.
For media accreditation, please contact: from 10.00 to 20.00 Moscow time at the number 8 800-700-37-26 or e-mail Eastern Economic Forum website:
All costs: hotels, transportation, and other flights are paid in addition.
Book all services in Vladivostok .
Further details of the Eastern Economic Forum will announce later.